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Useful resources

Here are some videos and links to websites that I've found useful. 


Useful Videos

Here are some videos about leadership, career progression and change.

Why an Infinite Mindset can become your Biggest Advantage | Simon Sinek

Brené Brown | Leadership Speaker

Joseph Campbell – The Hero’s Journey – follow your dreams.   

The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown

Brené Brown | Leadership Speaker – Braving (about Trust)

Kelly McGonigal – How to make Stress Your Friend

Amy Cuddy – Fake it ‘Til You Make. This explores how the stance you take enables you to feel more confident.

‘Decoding the Power of Now’ – About the book ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle

You are already awesome – get out of your own way Jed Brewer. TED talk  about ‘Flow’ and how we loose being present.

A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit – Jed Brewer


Useful Links

Workplace issues


Produced on behalf of CIPD giving useful resources on current workplace issues - 

International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring- Good for current research in Coaching -

Thames Valley Professional Support unit for Doctors and Dentists in education. It has some resources and access to coaching - 

The Joyful Doctor. Some good resources for Doctors in challenging times -

For Doctors who want to change careers -


Oxford Mindfulness Centre -


Oxford Mindfulness Centre podcasts during Covid-19 lock down - 

Online meditations sessions run by Gaia House -

General Wellbeing

To enhance your walks outside - 

And in nature -   

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