Deconstructing Coloniality in Coaching - A Mini Beginning?
Exploring coloniality in coaches from the personal to the systemic Imagine a world where there had never been slavery, where land is not...
Deconstructing Coloniality in Coaching - A Mini Beginning?
Tackling Systemic Racism in Coaching
Ethical dilemmas in health care: is it ethical for supervisors not to bring whiteness into the room?
Data: What might we, as coaches, be choosing not to see? (skin colour, perchance?)
From Locked down to Unlocked – A Tricky Journey?
Lifting the Lockdown - ‘We must rebuild that sense of life’
Why Outsource? Is now the time for personal change?Activities during the second week of Lock Down…
Am I confabulating or is it Covid-19? - Hypochondriacal Thoughts from an Illness Novice
Covidosis, have you got it?
To worry about being Dead Meat or where to Buy Honey? That is the Question.